My Friend

One of my friends was interested in me.
He wanted to do certain things with me,
But I refused.

On my way home from class, I saw him with another boy.
I could’ve told on him,
But I didn’t want to do that.
I just wanted him to stay away from me.
“I’m going to tell your father,” he said.
“Because you turned me down.”
“Go ahead,” I told him.
I thought he was bluffing.

Turned out he wasn’t.
He told my father,
“Your son likes doing it with me.”
I was shocked.
“I swear I didn’t do anything, baba!” I cried.
I was crying my eyes out.

“Calm down, son.”
I was surprised he believed me.
I couldn’t stop crying.
“I swear I didn’t do any of those things.”
Then my friend told him,
“He didn’t do it.
I just said that because he refused to do it with me.”

I couldn’t believe how much my father trusted me.
I still remember this incident,
Even after he passed away.
It changed me.
It was amazing how someone could trust you so much.

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