Outside The Circle

Outside The Circle

I’m the closest person to you.
But at that moment, I was the furthest one from you.
Traditionally, family sit closer to the bride, not friends.

You were surrounded by a lot of people in the salon (a reception room in Egyptian houses.)
Everyone was congratulating you.
I was sitting away from you.
Outside the circle.
It was like I was sitting in a box at the theater.

I was supposed to be standing beside you.
With my hand on your shoulder.
I could feel what you were feeling.
I could feel your fear, happiness and shyness.
I wanted to help you,
But I was prohibited from going inside the circle.
There was suddenly a barrier between us.
As if we were in different worlds.
A feeling I never felt when we were alone.
But whenever other people got into the mix,
They built a wall between us with their persistent cries of a’balik!
[may you be next].
It’s as if they’re telling me,
“It’s your turn to find safety.”
“It’s your turn to be a grown lady.”
“It’s your turn to be accomplished.”

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