We're Different

We're Different

We’re different.
It’s not because of the age difference.
It’s not because of the generation gap.
It’s because we are not you.
We are different people.
We have our own lives.

Why, then, am I upset?
It’s like this in all families.
I think it’s a problem.
But I’ve gotten so used to it that it doesn’t feel like a problem anymore.
It’s more of a solution.
And it’s actually a good thing.

Why are you so sure, mama, that my future will be exactly like yours?
Why not be thankful that I’m learning from your mistakes?
Why are you so sure that I’ll get married soon like you and ruin my life?
(That’s what mama said.)
That I’ll be a housewife after I graduate college?
That I’m like you?
Why do you disregard the fact that I got better grades in highschool?
Why are you making me live in fear?
She won’t allow me to get married.
But why not?
Isn’t it possible that I’ll be happily married?

The problem is that you don’t know how to be happy.
You’re discontent with everything,
But I’m not.

I progress when you don’t stop me.
Why are you making me live in fear?
I said that the problem has become a solution,
And that everything’s okay now,
But is it really?

I’m graduating soon
And then I’ll start working.
It’s not going to be easy.
It’s going to drain me physically.
Then I’ll get married and have children.
I’ll be content.
I’ll be better than you.
My future will be better than yours because I’ll raise my children right.
I won’t raise them like you raised me.
I’ll teach them right from wrong.
I’ll keep an eye on them and I’ll punish them if they do something wrong.
But I’m not going to make their lives hell.
I’ll praise them when they do something good.
I’ll manage my time.
I won’t slack off.

Then there will come a day when my children will praise me and my husband.
You’ll have to praise me too,
And for once in your life you’ll me,
“I love you.
I raised you well.”

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