Every Month

I think I was in the seventh grade when I got my period for the first time.
I didn’t know what it was.
I thought I had injured myself.
But I didn’t feel any pain.
I quickly washed my clothes,
But the blood kept increasing alarmingly.

I ran to my mother,
“What’s happening, mama?
I’m scared.”
I was so scared that I started crying.
I didn’t understand.
She tried to comfort me,
And told me that it meant I had grown up.
She tried to simplify it for me:
“Don’t worry, dear.
You’ll get it every month,” she said.
“Because that’s your body’s nature.
You’ll go about your day normally,
As if nothing’s happening.
You’ll go to school,
And play with your friends like you always do.
If you’re in pain at any point,
Come tell me.
I’m here for you, sweetheart.”

I’m 20 years old now,
And I still go to her when I get my period and have cramps.
She stays with me until I feel better.

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