Hormonal Imbalances

Hormonal Imbalances

I got my period when I was 11.
Mama was understanding.
I have older sisters so I knew it was going to happen.
The first time I got it,
I told my sister and she lent me a pad,
And mama was happy when she found out that I got it early.

My period flow is really heavy,
So I used to wear a lot of layers to prevent staining.
But when I got older I started wearing less layers,
And instead I started wearing the right kind of pad for me.
One time, I got my period at school.
Luckily, when I told my friend,
She immediately went up to the classroom and brought me a pad.

I never liked how the blood looked,
And I used to get my period a lot and with pain that lasted for around two hours.
It was really painful.
I’ve been getting it for 12 years now.
It’s become a part of my life.
A week before I get my period,
My appetite increases and I am in the mood to laugh.
Then with the hormone imbalances,
I tend to be lonely and have negative thoughts.
I don’t have any energy to move or do anything.
It becomes a real problem when I have work.

Mama used to be the one who buys us pads,
But now baba or my brother usually buy them.

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