May God Rid Us of You

I understand,
Or I’m aware of the difference between previous generations,
And the current one.
The difference in terms of consciousness,
And freedom.
Even if we’re drowning,
And nothing is changing.
Or at least nothing is changing for the better.
Everything is getting worse.

I wasn’t in my city.
I was in Alexandria,
And it was during Ramadan.
All my friends are Muslim,
And I made a habit of fasting with them.
Or more like eating together during iftar.
We lived together in the same apartment.

I woke up,
And went out to get us food for iftar.
I found an old, blind man near the restaurant I was getting food from.
He was walking back and forth,
Asking people to help him reach his house,
Which was on the other side of the street.
He was screaming,
And crying,
But no one stopped for him.
I thought to myself that if no one helped him by the time I got the food,
I’ll help him myself.
I got the food,
And started moving in his direction.

“Hajj, where do you want to go?
I’ll take you.”
“Help me cross the street,
To my house.”
I grabbed his arm,
Helped him down the sidewalk,
And walked a little.
“I need some money, son.
Ramadan Kareem.
Please help me out.”
I gave him some money,
And he went quiet for a bit.
“What’s your name?”
I told him my name.
“What’s your father’s name?”
“Why do you ask?”
“Are you not Muslim?”
“Yes, I’m Christian.”

His face suddenly contorted with anger.
He grabbed the hand I was holding him with,
And pushed me away.
Then he took the money,
And threw it on the ground.
“Go away, infidel.
May God rid us of you.”
“This infidel you speak of,”
I told him angrily,
“Is the only person among the believers,
Who stopped for you.
Those believers you were begging to help you cross the road,
Or give you money.”
“You’re not a good man,” I said to him,
Then left.

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