I was one of those girls who wore the hijab during Ramadan when I was young.
I wore it during middle school and high school,
Because they told us that if a man admires our hair when we’re fasting,
That nullifies both his fast and ours.
I used to go to a public school.
Most of the girls there wore the hijab.
I was shy,
And didn’t want to stand out as the only one who didn’t wear it.
I came to not like wearing it.
I was in the 12th grade,
And it was the middle of Ramadan.
I talked to baba, who is normally understanding,
And never forces me to do anything.
This time, however, he yelled at me,
And he wouldn’t let me take it off.
I can’t tell you how suffocated I felt.
I wish we’d let girls be, especially during Ramadan.
Because it isn’t true that uncovered hair nullifies your fast.