Five Years

Five Years

Five Years
I've been married for five years, and I couldn’t be happier.
I could never have dreamed of a better husband or a better life.
My husband adores me, and we never have a boring moment together.
He spoils me, loves me, and is very romantic.
And what’s more, I still get to keep my virginity!
Unbelievable, right?
It's hard to believe that a man as selfless as him exists.
Imagine being with a man who gives you love, kisses, and cuddles and spoils you without wanting anything in return.
When he first told me about his erectile dysfunction, I felt relief.
I was really nervous about the idea of having sex, but I also got a bit scared that I would never be a mother.
But now I understand what unconditional love truly means.
He truly loves me; he treats me like I’m a precious jewel.
I bet that no other woman could say that about her husband.
So I won't have children.
So what? All the women I know who have children don’t seem very happy.
Their husbands treat them like robots. But I…I am special!
Performed in:
BuSSy 2010 - Cairo

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