How Did You Seduce Him?

I was staying over at my aunt’s house,
When I was 13 or 14 years old.
There was a small age difference between me and my cousins.
We were very good friends.
They were twins;
A boy and a girl.
When I was younger,
I knew my cousin liked me,
But time had passed.
When I visited them that day,
We had been out all day,
And we were very tired when we got home.
My female cousin and I went to the bedroom,
And slept deeply.
My male cousin came into the room,
Put his hand under my clothes,
And kissed me.

I woke up but was too scared to get up,
And let him know I was awake,
Because there were things in the room he could hit me with.
But I was going to throw up,
So I made a run for it,
called my older siblings,
And cried to them.
I went back home at dawn.
When I was home, my siblings asked me,
“Were you happy?
How did you seduce him?”
They took away my phone,
And wouldn’t talk to me for some time.
I didn’t even understand then,
What it meant to seduce someone.
It’s over now,
But I still remember how unfair it was.

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