I look like a Child

I’m 16 years old.
People have made fun of me ever since I was little.
My father was very short,
And I was born a twin.
To make sense of the way I looked,
They used to tell me,
That my twin brother was trying to absorb me,
When we were in our mother’s womb.
But what happened was that he absorbed my food instead.

When I was born,
My grandmother was scared shitless,
When she heard the doctors debate whether I was going to make it.
According to everyone, I was the size of a match box.
I grew up,
But they couldn’t find clothes that fit me,
So they had to custom make clothes for me.

In middle school,
I was held back a year,
Because my school refused to admit me,
Because my size was that of a child who hadn’t finished first grade.
Not to mention the bullying,
And the comments that caused me a lot of emotional distress.

I have a hard time finding jobs,
And meeting people who wouldn’t make fun of me,
When I tell them my real age.
I have a hard time finding someone who’d love me,
And give me reassurance.
Even my family makes fun of me,
And when they see my twin brother they tell my dad,
“Oh! We thought she was your youngest daughter.”

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