Wearing the Headscarf

I used to think that society only rejected those who are different,
But it also rejects those who are the same.
I was always very independent,
Ever since I was young.
I never did anything unless I believed in it.
I decided to start wearing the headscarf.
I did so out of conviction.
No one interfered in my decision.
I started wearing it.

Ever since then,
I started noticing just how discriminatory society can be.
One time I travelled to a well-known touristic village.
I got weird looks from everyone there.
I was told by several women,
“You don’t belong here!”
A lot of places don’t let me in.

I get pigeonholed into certain jobs because I’m veiled.
“You can’t do this because you’re veiled!”
I want to prove to people that,
The veil has never been an obstacle in achieving your dreams.

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