Because she wanted her own place.
She wanted to live.
That’s what a marriage contract was to her: freedom.
Her parents kept her locked up at home.
Her computer was always being watched.
Her job was located near her house.
She wasn’t allowed out on her own.
She was 33 years old.
One of my friends was interested in me.
He wanted to do certain things with me.
masculinity, parents, social pressure
In middle school,
I used to love wearing shorts and dancing in front of the mirror.
My mother would smack me.
My mother sat me down and told me she wanted to talk to me about something.
She talked about some embarrassing, incomprehensible things.
I was having lunch, so I wasn’t really listening to her.
"Don’t let anyone touch you.”
Since I was a child,
My father wanted me to grow up to be a good person.
He wanted me to be educated and open-minded.
He believed that all women should grow up to be like his mother no matter how they were brought up.
But I didn't take after my grandmother.
I was climbing up the stairs, and I was wearing a short yellow jacket.
I always wear it on top of my pajamas when my mother sends me to buy her stuff from downstairs.
A tall and thin man, wearing a brown jacket came and stopped me,